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8 items found for "georgia"

  • tbilisi, georgia

    or at least sparsely marked, speakeasies interests you, then you should consider visiting Tbilisi, Georgia Located between Western Asia and Eastern Europe, there is some debate as to which continent Georgia belongs If you want to be diplomatic and precise, you can say that Georgia is located in the Caucasus region Tbilisi is the capital of and the largest city in Georgia. #westernasia #easterneurope #georgia #caucasusmountains #europe #asia #eurasia #tbilisi

  • day trip to armenia

    As Tbilisi, Georgia is only about an hour and a half from the Armenian border and I thought it might crossing process: Bagratashen-Sadakhlo is the most popular and busiest border control point between Georgia When you arrive at the border, you’ll have to get out of the car and exit Georgia by foot. On our way back toward the Georgian border, we passed a convoy of black vehicles transporting the Armenian #armenia #lakesevan #lakeparz #georgia #tbilisi #azerbaijan #sevanavankmonastery

  • 2022 travels

    balloons (Cappadocia and the Serengeti) and straddling continents in intercontinental states (Turkey, Georgia Then I went to the bohemian city known as Tblisi, Georgia, with a day trip to Armenia. If for no other reason (although there are many), go to Georgia for the food! Georgian cuisine is highly under-rated. france #madeira #funchal #portugal #turkey #cappadocia #istanbul #asia #marbella #spain #costadelsol #georgia

  • cancellations, cancellations and more cancellations

    following trips: 13th - 15th March: Tirana, Albania 20th - 27th March: London, UK 2nd - 6th April: Georgia

  • 2023 travels

    This year, I was extra thankful for the special guests who surprised us from Florida and Georgia.

  • 2020 'travels'

    I was supposed to have been exploring Georgia & Armenia over the weekend, but the flights were cancelled The start of June marked an unsettling time in the USA as George Floyd's unjust death escalated national

  • weekend in warsaw

    Below are my recommendations for meals and drinks: U TATO - Hearty Georgian cuisine at a fair price.

  • world cup in russia

    We had a delicious Georgian lunch at Rustaveli before taking an hour-long cab ride to Petehof.

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