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43 items found for "south-africa"

  • victoria falls murder

    It is the second largest waterfall, by width and height, rivaled only by Iguazu Falls in South America #victoriafalls #africa #zimbabwe #waterfalls #tips #zambia

  • cage diving with(out) great whites

    My friend Lindsay and I had just arrived into Cape Town, South Africa, full of excitement and wonderment After sufficiently frying our bodies (the ozone is severely depleted in South Africa), we headed back We somehow forgot to eat dinner, but we did manage to taste a lot of that South African wine! #greatwhitessharks #cagediving #southafrica #capetown #gansbaaii #africa

  • elephant attack

    Sabi Sand is a privately owned game reserve adjacent to Kruger National Park, in South Africa. They scoop the water into their mouths, using their trunk. #sabisand #krugernationalpark #southafrica #africa #safari #elephantattack

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